1. new imac
:: dh lame ak ngidam mac nh..xpe2..saba kn dulu.. ::
2. new myvi
:: yg nh OTW..tggu jek la kelahiran kt depan umh ::
3. Nike Futsal CTR360
(p/s : pd sesape nk belikan..tlg beli saiz 10UK ae..tq)
:: ak mmg nk sgt yg nh tp skang nh ak pki yg nh..tgk bwh ::
4. Samsung Galaxy S II
:: yg nh erm..dlm mse terdekat kot..nk pki line ape xtau sbb dh de device nh nt alang2 bek pki line kn..DiGi, Maxis, Celcom..ermm ::
5. Finished My Master
MA in Visual Communication & New Media
kwn2 ak sebatch sume dh abes..ade la 2,3 ketol xabes lg termasuk ak..ape2 ak kene kuat kn semangat nk abeskan master nh..hoho
6. Married the women that I love so much
:: yg nh..hehe..erm..hee..alamak tersengih2 plak ak sorang2..haha..kalo nk tau sape cbe tgk post2 sebelom nh..konpem korang jmpe..hahaha~ ::
p/s: tempat honeymoon dirahsiakn atas sebab2 security and privacy..haha~
7. Go to the place that I dream most!!
:: Anfield bro..padang keramat LIVERPOOL FC..one of the legend club in the world and of course in EPL..xde sape penah menang UEFA Champion League 5x cm Liverpool..Setan Merah pon xde wt..haha~ ::
8. Continue to PhD
:: United Kingdom ::
:: Japan ::
nh adelah choices ak utk smbg phd..kt mane 1 xtau lg..hehe..semoga impian ak nk ade phd before reach 40years old tercapai la..Amin~
So itulah impian ak yg ak akan gapai insyaallah in 10years mayb..yg awal2 tu bole la in 2-3 years kn..yg after married tu yg makan mase..hoho..akan ku tingkatkan usaha nk dptkn sume ni..
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